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Dear Friends,

HandsOn Miami stands against hate and terrorism and is deeply saddened and outraged by the horrific attack by the Hamas terrorist group on the people of Israel and the Jewish community on October 7th.

There is no justification for these appalling atrocities and terrorism in our world. HandsOn Broward values human life and everyone’s right to dignity. 

We support Israelis, the Jewish community and innocent Israeli and Palestinian civilians and families in the region and who are facing more bloodshed, loss of life and a long-term humanitarian crisis that will reverberate for generations. We emphatically condemn all forms of racism, violence and terror. We condemn antisemitism and express grave concern that the attacks on the Jewish community will further perpetuate antisemitic movements and actions. 

HandsOn Broward aspires to a world where people help one another to live in peace. We hope for a swift end to the unimaginable suffering, the release of all hostages, and for critical aid to reach civilians impacted by this war.

In service, 

Dale Mandell
HandsOn Miami